Norman Pagett
1 min readAug 17, 2023


we can only plan our future using the compass of history

there are no exceptions to that

We prosperous westerners look back over the past 50=100 years, and see our current condition relative to say, the living memory of our grandparents

Nether of mine had electric light, one set had only an open coal fire to cook on---winter or summer, neither had a bathroom, and just an outside lavatory.

Their forebears would have been in even worse living conditions.

So what has altered my lot, relative to theirs?---If I was an unthinker, I would say ''capitalism'--and believe the politicos who tell me so

The evidence is obvious. and all around me--I have a nice home, nice car and a full stomach.

So the vast majority go on hurting themselves over and over with e same thing, "the Stockholm Sydrome"---because they are trapped in the system from which they draw sustenance---they/we have no choice.

Few accept or acknowledge that our prosperity derives from cheap surplus fossil fuels, and nothing else.

But that oil party is now at an end

