Norman Pagett
1 min readMay 16, 2019

All primitive societies pay homage to deities. the deep south seems more gullible in this respect, so their god has become more deeply entrenched in their collective psyche.

He does not exist of course, but despite this he must be placated to prevent his anger and smooth the way for his return in human form.

The abortion thing is a form of human sacrifice to this ‘god’ — -proof of the faith of his believers, a determination that their god will look favourably upon them. The jesusfreaks will not admit this as human sacrifice, but that is what it is.

We have seen the same thing in all tribes faced with uncertain futures. The future of humankind is uncertain right now. We cannot sacrifice virgins (yet) so this the next best thing.

These people will not stop at abortion, there is still much work to do to prepare the world for Jesus’ return

